Are you a fan of great and indulging adventure movies; movies which fuel the element of the unknown or uncertainty? If yes, then check out what this post has in store for you.
In my perception as a movie goer, nothing beats the captivating power of an adventure movie. Till date, the series of “The Lord of the Rings” has been my favorite. The series was a perfect mixture of all the ingredients that a true adventure movie must be made of. It would be inappropriate to ask what the movie encompassed, but what it did not! Did Mr. Jackson miss anything that could have made the trilogy any better or more indulging? I guess not!
The real adventure geared in when ‘Gollum’ made his spine-chilling appearance. Boy, even the ‘Grudge child’ did not give me the shivers that the creepy, icy voice of this creature did! His mad love and irresistible attraction for the ring added character to the story, and carried it to an applauding finish. So, honoring movies such as this one, I have a list of some great adventure movies which made it big and grand among the masses.
The List…
So there you are, with an exhaustive list of some of the best adventure movies served right on your platter. All you have to do is jot them down, and make a collection of your favorite ones. Easier than that would be bookmarking this page. Enjoy!