Isn’t the Edward Snowden fiasco a great story for a political thriller? Just imagine – a technical contractor working for the NSA (National Security Agency) leaks out several top-secret details of the US and British government to the media. I’m pretty sure a movie documenting his life is in the making, while his future still remains uncertain. Here is a look at the top 10 political thrillers inspired by real and fictional events.
Did You Know?
The Interpreter is the first film that was shot inside the UN General Assembly and Security Council Chambers. The UN does not allow filming inside its premises, but director Sydney Pollock made a personal request to Kofi Annan, and was granted permission by the authorities.
Every great political thriller today is inspired from problems governments face on an international level. Let they be the soured relations of the West with most Islamic nations, global warming, oil crisis, terrorism, Cold War, etc. A good political thriller notes down all the key aspects of a single big international issue, and explains it to the public in a couple of hours.
In the top 10 political thriller movies mentioned below, you’ll see amazing directors entering the world of powerful public officials, and giving you a brief idea of how the system actually works. Political thrillers aren’t a favorite among many, but it is the only category in the thriller genre that gets close to matters that affect millions of lives. Let’s check them out.
The Ides of March
The Lives of Others
State of Play
All the President’s Men
The Manchurian Candidate
The Interpreter
The Constant Gardener
So, these are my top 10 political thriller movies, that have been a favorite among critics and audiences alike. Which one of them is your favorite; do take the poll and let us know.