Celebs are presumed to be flawless and perfect. However, we, as fans, find it difficult to believe that these A-list personalities are just as flawed as us. Some such reminders are physical deformities which they overcome and became the lovable characters that we cherish.
The ‘Gossip Girl’ star Leighton Meester was born with brachydactyly. It means that she has clubbed thumb(s). This is commonly known as toe thumb. The leading lady of the movie ‘Transformers’, Megan Fox was also born with a similar physical deformity.
’13 Going on 30′ actress, Jennifer Garner was born with brachymetatarsia. This condition causes one toe to either grow abnormally short or the bones to grow crooked.
‘The Untouchables’ star Andy Garcia was born with a mass of tissue and bones on his shoulder. This mass turned out to be his conjoined twin. The mass was removed when Garcia was just a toddler.
The ‘Two and Half Men’ star Ashton Kutcher revealed that he was born with syndactyly of the feet, which gave him webbed toes. Webbed toes mostly occur in the second and third toes, as in the case of this star.
Iconic star from memorable movies like ‘Coneheads’ and ‘Ghostbusters’, Dan Aykroyd reported that the color of both his eyes were different from each other and that he had webbed toes on both his feet.
Leading lady of ‘Superman Returns’ Kate Bosworth was born with heterochromia, the iris of one eye is blue, and the other is blue with a hazel patch. ‘That ’70s Show’ actress Mila Kunis shares a similar condition. Both her irises have different colors; green and blue. Mila was blind in one eye and suffered cataract until she had a surgery to save her sight.
The ‘How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days’ star Kate Hudson has polydactyly, which means that she was born with an extra toe or finger. ‘Die Another Day’ and ‘Catwoman’ star, Halley Berry shares the same condition. In Halle Berry’s case, she has an extra little toe on her right foot.
According to a gossip column, the queen of daytime talk shows, Oprah Winfrey was born with 11 toes, which she eventually had removed surgically. The ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’ host Drew Carey revealed in his autobiography that he too was born with eleven toes.
The ‘Quantum of Solace’ Bond girl, Gemma Arterton revealed that she was born with two extra appendages. The ‘Private Practice’ actor Taye Diggs too was born with six fingers on both his hands. Which were operated upon when he was a child.
The hilarious dad from the sitcom ‘My Wife and Kids’, Damon Wayans was born with a clubbed foot. A fairly common birth defect, Wayans underwent numerous surgeries, wore orthopedic shoes and a leg brace to correct his physical defect.
American singer and songwriter Kesha claims that she was born with a tail, which was quarter of an inch long, which she had removed surgically as an infant.
The ‘Transformers’ star Mark Wahlberg reported that he was born with a common congenital malformation, supernumerary nipple; aka extra nipples. He shares this spotlight with American Idol, Carrie Underwood.
‘One Direction’ singer Harry Styles revealed that he was born with four nipples.
‘Heroes’ star Milo Ventimiglia was born with a birth defect that meant he had dead nerves on the right side of his face, causing his lower lip to remain limp.
Canadian actress, Catherine O’Hara, whom you probably remember as the mom from the Macaulay Culkin-starrer ‘Home Alone’, was born with a congenital condition called Situs inversus. Her heart, stomach, and spleen are on the right side of the body, while her liver is on the left.