Celebrities have always been in the limelight for many reasons be it acting, singing, or dancing. Paparazzi just can’t seem to get enough of them. The latest news being substance addiction, this Entertainism article tells you about 12 famous celebrities who overcame substance addiction.
Did You Know?
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 105 people die every day from drug overdoses across the United States.
The general perception of people about those who are addicted to any particular vice like smoking, alcohol, and drugs is, they don’t have any morals, or they simply lack the will power to quit. What they forget to understand is that these people totally depend on these substances, so staying sober and normal becomes really difficult for them. In reality, these addictions are really complex in nature, and it takes more than a strong will and good intentions to quit.
Often, after quitting, they experience many withdrawal symptoms like drowsiness, mood swings, physical weakness etc. But one thing is for sure, it is not impossible to quit these vices. There are rehabs to help one overcome these addictions. Hollywood stars are always in the spotlight for everything they do or don’t do, so obviously, they can’t escape paparazzi for this thing as well. Many celebrities have managed to evade the questions thrown at them about their addiction but some have come out clean about their addictions, and how they eventually came out victorious after a long battle.
We bring you a list of 12 such celebrities who were once addicted to drugs, heroin, and other substances.
Angelina Jolie
She is a goddess and inspiration for many women all over the world. In fact, recently, she was named Honorary Dame for her campaign to end sexual violence. But little did we know that this Hollywood star has tried almost each and every substance available in the drug world. She got hooked on drugs when she was just about to start her acting career. Sources claim she couldn’t live without them. But when she got married and had kids, she decided to clean up her act and live a sober and healthy life.
Ben Affleck
Entered a rehab in 2001 to treat his alcohol addiction. He claims this addiction problem runs in his family because even his father was an addict. Apart from alcohol, he has gambling vices too, which he is,working on for the sake of his family and career. In 2014, he starred in Gone Girl which was a major hit. He is currently working on his next project.
Charlie Sheen
Well, he was in the news for this problem for quite a long time. Besides accidentally shooting his fiancee’s arm, he was caught in the snares of this deadly vice, and has been arrested many times. He entered rehab a couple of times. Sources say, he has forgotten his old ways and has managed to remain clean since he last stepped out of the rehab. Let’s hope he stays sober.
Demi Lovato
Again, a famous child star who got into substance abuse due to stardom just like other young and upcoming ones. She has battled with several addictions. In 2010, she checked into a rehab for 3 months to treat her drug and alcohol addiction. She has stayed sober since then, and is living a normal and healthy life.
Daniel Radcliffe
This Harry Potter star swears never to touch alcohol again. Daniel has recently admitted that once upon a time he was highly addicted to alcohol. In fact, he used to go for his shoots half drunk. He claims the pressure of being famous and potential failure made him dependent on booze. But, when he realized that this is not the right lifestyle for him, he cleaned up his act, and has stayed sober since 2010. Besides Harry Potter movies, he has played roles in The Woman In Black, Kill Your Darlings.
Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore comes across as girl with a goody goody image, but, just like other actors, even she had a dark side. She was a famous child actor, and with instant popularity came pressure which apparently she couldn’t handle and got addicted to cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. She was admitted in the rehab twice, and since then, she has been clean and sober. Currently, she enjoys a very successful career in Hollywood.
She used hypnotherapy to get rid of her addiction to crystal meth but still claims to use it as it helps to relax her mind. She developed an addiction to crystal meth while she was working with Wild Orchid, an American pop vocal group; however, the reputation of being an addict followed her even after she left the group. She admits to hallucinate and have crazy thoughts like the FBI or SWAT team following her. She got into this addiction because of the pressure of being a child star. She started with ecstasy which then lead to another addiction to a drug called crystal meth. The singer decided to call it quits in the year 2006, and since then hasn’t looked back. She states, God delivered her from substance abuse. She is married to actor Josh Duhamel, and the pair has a son.
Russell Brand
An English actor, comedian, and Katy Perry’s former husband was, once upon a time, addicted to drugs. He had a troubled and lonely childhood which became reason enough for him to depend on heroin and other sorts of drugs to numb the anguish he felt inside. According to him, you start finding solutions externally to cope with your emotional pain, but, once you stop taking drugs, those issues still remain the same. He was told if he continued down the same path, he would just have 6 months to live. He decided to clean up his act and started working on his addiction. It has been 11 years since he has touched cocaine or any drug. He practices yoga and feels he should have done something to help Amy Winehouse to get rid of her addiction. To help others fight this addiction, he has made a small documentary―”Addiction to Recovery.”
Kelly Osbourne
Her obsession with painkillers started when she was 13. However, she took Vicodin to relieve herself from the pain caused by tonsillitis. At the age of 16, when she started clubbing, she was introduced to pills. Her addiction became stronger after her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She claims it helped her to combat sadness and depression. Her Vicodin addiction rose to 50 pills a day, and after her parents discovered her addiction, she was sent to a rehab center. She has visited the rehab at least seven times. Finally, she is sober after she got over her addiction to painkillers in 2009.
Matthew Perry
Friends sitcom star who used to woo Monica on television, in reality, was suffering from alcoholism. These are the pros and cons of being in limelight for long. Nobody knows how he got addicted to alcohol, but he claims it got really bad. He never went to work drunk but had a terrible hangover. He entered rehab twice (1997, 2001) to get rid of his Vicodin and opioids addiction. His personal agenda is to help people to get rid of their drug addiction.
Robert Downey Jr
Famous for his role in the movie Iron Man, he was introduced to this vice when most kids are about to start their first grade. His father gave him his first puff of marijuana when Robert Downey Jr. was only six. He admits that he was addicted to drugs since he was 8 years old. As a child, he was constantly surrounded by drugs because his dad was also an addict. He was in and out of the rehab and prison for almost 5 years. Finally, in the year 2000, he claims he saw the light and asked for help. He started doing meditation and took martial art classes. He worked on his substance abuse problem and made a comeback in the year 2001. He has signed many films since then, and he is, currently, the highest paid actor in Hollywood.
Jennifer Aniston
Former Friends star was a chain smoker during the filming of the famous sitcom. She was so hooked on cigarettes that she found it really hard to quit. But, in 2007, she decided to clean up her act and quit smoking for good. She went in for an intense detox therapy, and does yoga to stay away from nicotine.
It is not an easy task to get over any addiction but if you don’t stop, it will cost you your life. Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, etc, all died due to drug abuse. If these celebrities can overcome their addiction, so can you. All you need to do is just ask for help!!